Welcome To Jason's Photo Album
We'd like to Thank everyone that has contributed to this page.
All photos are thumbnails click on photo to see larger
Kung Fu traffic Cop
Really grateful man
Look out behind you
"I will crush
you" P.S. jodan hasso
Papa, You take the next opponent, I'm
" itsutsu do butsu"


Fighters and friends on
vacation Mt Fuji
We Suck!


Dinner with the boys
Ken, Frank, & Bas |
Vernon "Tiger"
White's Orchestra


We are the world


Guy Mezger, Don Clovis,
Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, & Vernon "Tiger" White
Todd Medina, Sal
Gasparri, Kunioku Kiuma, Maurice Smith, Guy Mezger , Don Clovis


Ken Shamrock with Jason DeLucia
after Victory over Funaki Masakatsu

To see more of Jason's Pancrase photos CLICK HERE


Cage Rage
Jason DeLucia vs. Trent Jenkins
To see more of Jason's "Rogue's Gallery"
If you have a photo
you would like to contribute please
(photos only)